Sunday, June 18, 2006
Father's Day
This is the image I love when it comes to Father's Day. My little girl, having just given me a card, greets me with a hug. It is moments such as these that bring one to the heights of great joy. It is moments very much like this that teach you about the glory to be attained only through the adventure of parenthood. Only in these moments of great subliminity can we even begin to appreciate what life has to offer. Suddenly, the clouds part, and everything that is confusing about life begins to make sense. One has now realized the true glory that only comes with being human....until...
The other source of this great joy begins grunting in the corner. The diaper begins to sag. The air is filled with that unmistakable scent. It's that time of day. Jackie, as you can see, waits for a special visit from daddy. As this is happening, I realize it is the perfect candidate for a blog topic. The ends of the spectrum which make up being a dad. Everything from the hug to the dispensing of the child's waste. It's all part of the same deal.
As I celebrate my 4th Father's day, I'm glad God gives me both the task of sharing the gospel with these little ones and the task of cleaning up their waste. It provides a perfect way of understanding what my parents experienced, as well as how God must feel.
Still...with that sublime thought, it will be nice when Jack can use this thing instead:
The other source of this great joy begins grunting in the corner. The diaper begins to sag. The air is filled with that unmistakable scent. It's that time of day. Jackie, as you can see, waits for a special visit from daddy. As this is happening, I realize it is the perfect candidate for a blog topic. The ends of the spectrum which make up being a dad. Everything from the hug to the dispensing of the child's waste. It's all part of the same deal.
As I celebrate my 4th Father's day, I'm glad God gives me both the task of sharing the gospel with these little ones and the task of cleaning up their waste. It provides a perfect way of understanding what my parents experienced, as well as how God must feel.
Still...with that sublime thought, it will be nice when Jack can use this thing instead: