Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Why Olmedo Saenz is a genius

I have reached a point in my life that I proudly can proclaim myself a fair weather Dodger fan. For years I looked with disdain upon my type, as I suffered through endless years of Dodger ineptitude. Then, in 2004, the Dodgers won their division. Sweet times indeed for a lifelong Dodger fan who had endured 16 years without even a playoff win of which to speak. Then, the team was dismantled by a prima donna general manager. He had already begun the job, trading away several beloved players during the pennant race in '04. But he finished the job in the off season, and I realized something. Why did I care so much when no one associated with the team seemed to? From that point until now, I have determined to be a fair weather fan, only paying attention when something is interesting. This goes for the Twins as well.
As it happens, both teams are doing well, so I am interested. But my focus here is the Dodgers, and one man who can teach us all something. Olmedo Saenz is now the position player who has been with the Dodgers the longest (only since 2004, but that is the longest). There are not too many athletes I admire more, and here's why. Saenz has never been an everyday player, and yet he continually contributes meaningfully to his team. There is an admirable quality to a man who knows his role and performs it excellently. The Dodgers had to trade one man (Odalis Perez) who once showed so much promise, only to become bitter when he was banished to the bullpen after his starting performances began to stink to high heaven. Saenz has never been an everyday player, but it is hard to imagine the Dodgers' success without him. Wherever the Dodgers end their season, I hope there is some appreciation as to how much this man has contributed. Greg Maddux and Nomar may get the headlines, but Saenz is my man.