Monday, September 25, 2006


Like Clockwork

It is my sad duty to report that the kiddos (our peanuts as my wife like to call them), are sick. Yes, another small upheaval in our world, and it always coincides with the return (or the first visit to) the nursery. My wife attended Bible Study here for the first time last week, and there is a remarkable correlation between that event and said sickness of my son, who in turn has graciously given it to my daughter.

It is amazing how such things change the picture at home. My boy, normally a happy little monkey, tonight was fit to be tied, not truly being happy until he could nestle in my wife's loving arms. My daughter is getting more mature, and while she prefers mom putting her to sleep, she graciously let me perform the task tonight, as she was certainly ready for sleep after battling through the day with a cold.

And with that struggle, this is where life makes the most sense. At work, I oversee dozens of people, telling them what to do, advising them on what might work best. I try to be a proactive worker, controlling situations rather than letting situations control me.

It is a different situation at home. Here, it is much more realistic to roll with the punches then to try to control everything. My little monkeys are not themselves, and I do my best to be a comfort to them, even if that means the best thing I can do is set them in their mothers' arms.

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