Tuesday, October 02, 2007


October Again

Here we are again...the best month of the year. The advent season looms, and the trees are yellow and red. The kiddos are sporting their sweaters, and the playoffs begin tomorrow. I bit into a honeycrisp apple today and thanked the Lord for the fall (autumn, not the other fall).

Wesley is sleeping better and better. Jack is struggling in the potty training realm. He did great until the arrival of his younger brother rocked his world. Right now, we seem to be in a good rhythm. Steph and I are scrambling to find more ways to set apart one day a week as a sabbath, since my schedule varies so much.

Minnesota continues to get into my blood. True, people drive too slow here. While I am busy saying "GOOOOO", they are busy saying, "Ok there, let's not drive too fast there...ah jeez". Someday I hope to think that 50 miles per hour is pushing it.

We had dinner with our neighbors last night, and we are happy to feel more and more a part of this community.

Wes is 6 weeks old now. We await more change from him!

I have loved checking in with old friends on blogs. It gives a sense of connection with my past while still being able to focus on the present.

Happy October

Hooray for October, potty training, dinner with neighbors, and blogs!
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