Saturday, April 12, 2008


First in Line

It occurs to me that who will be first in line in the kingdom will be a surprise to us. My wife and I were speaking of a favorite professor of ours in college who never had the accolades that some others had, but was possibly the finest professor I ever had. Steph and I were talking about this last night, and this morning we received word of the passing of Dr. Clyde Cook, former president of our alma mater, Biola University.

Clyde was beloved by the student body, but even with those accolades that he did receive, I have a feeling that he will be ahead of me "in line". He was unassuming and gracious, and when he made his retirement speech, he was typically self effacing and humble. Many times this is in itself a role people play to appear humble, but I think not with Clyde.

His kingdom is not of this world. In His kingdom, the most humble shall be lifted up.

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