Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Don't Look a Gift Horse...
We have had a glorious summer in Minnesota. The temperature has not risen above 85 too much. I think we have had less than five days in the 90s. The sun is shining, yet it is not warm. These are pristine days to be enjoyed. After all, we go through a long and cold winter. However atmospheric winter may be, summer and fall offer a welcome respite, as we can enjoy the out of doors without the necessary layers of clothing. As I write, the weather posted on the Minneapolis/St/ Paul Star Tribune is 76 and mostly sunny. In a word, it is perfect. You would think that this would elate Minnesotans.
But for hearty midwestern folk, elation is not a word in any known vocabulary. Read this exchange I had yesterday while operating a cash register.:
Me: "Hello."
Him: ".........."
Me: "Certainly is great weather outside!"
Him: "Lousy"
Me : "?!?"
Him: "We need rain...we're 7 inches below normal..."
Me: "OK...Well...."
I had nothing. I am not exactly a man of few words, but I had no words for this man. Also, the local weatherman declared his bitterness over the lack of exciting weather this summer. Sunny today....sunny tomorrow...boring!
This is the same man who spent a good part of June declaring how concerned he was at the amount of severe weather we would have this summer due to climate change. It just goes to show that some people will never be happy. Last August, we had plenty of rain in August. In fact, we had so much that entire communities were destroyed in Southern Minnesota. In light of the alternatives, I'll take the brown grass and the calm skies. Last summer, we were awakened most nights by our daughter due to sever weather and thunder, while this summer's nights have been peaceful. I do not wish for hard times for our farmers who need rain, but can't we please enjoy this weather, since all we will hear in 5 months are the desperate cries for a return to July?
But for hearty midwestern folk, elation is not a word in any known vocabulary. Read this exchange I had yesterday while operating a cash register.:
Me: "Hello."
Him: ".........."
Me: "Certainly is great weather outside!"
Him: "Lousy"
Me : "?!?"
Him: "We need rain...we're 7 inches below normal..."
Me: "OK...Well...."
I had nothing. I am not exactly a man of few words, but I had no words for this man. Also, the local weatherman declared his bitterness over the lack of exciting weather this summer. Sunny today....sunny tomorrow...boring!
This is the same man who spent a good part of June declaring how concerned he was at the amount of severe weather we would have this summer due to climate change. It just goes to show that some people will never be happy. Last August, we had plenty of rain in August. In fact, we had so much that entire communities were destroyed in Southern Minnesota. In light of the alternatives, I'll take the brown grass and the calm skies. Last summer, we were awakened most nights by our daughter due to sever weather and thunder, while this summer's nights have been peaceful. I do not wish for hard times for our farmers who need rain, but can't we please enjoy this weather, since all we will hear in 5 months are the desperate cries for a return to July?